Skiing and snowboarding are two of the most enjoyable physical winter activities of the modern age. Few other pursuits (particularly in the winter time) allow such feelings of exhilaration surrounded by, even immersed in, nature.

There’s a degree of absurdity about skiing and snowboarding that’s impossible to escape though. Besides the level of expense involved in taking part (equipment, transport, lift tickets, accommodation, more equipment, new equipment, the list goes on), there’s the inescapable fact that if you’re able to find the free time to go and mess around in the snow – things must be going pretty damn good in your life!

On a somewhat tangential topic, it’s impossible not to look at photos and hear stories of the devastation in Palestine and juxtapose them against the relatively ludicrous pursuits of skiing and snowboarding. Imagine, for a moment, explaining to a Palestinian kid whose house has been bombed to the ground, who has no access to running water or electricity, and whose relatives have been murdered, that you will spend your weekend messing around in the snow on a mountain. The idea has to feel ridiculous.

So how does a hoodie or a t-shirt help? Well it all started as a doodle – a simple play on words… A quick logo and screen-print later and people were drawn to it: “Can you ski in Palestine?”, “I didn’t know there were mountains in Palestine?”, “Do they have a ski club in Palestine?”, “Have you been skiing in Palestine?”. The response and the engagement thereafter was fascinating! Whether for a brief minute, an hour, or longer-term – the idea made people stop and think.
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Bottom line – everyone owns hoodies and t-shirts and nobody is proposing anyone quits skiing or snowboarding on moral grounds until Palestinians are afforded the same luxury of freedom …but spreading awareness of the appalling situation in Palestine by any and all means available can only be a good thing.

Spread the word – Ski Palestine …Free Palestine.